Wednesday, October 31, 2007

In Honor of Halloween

In Honor of Halloween
Originally uploaded by Marti515
We have a ghost that lives with us. He's been with us since the day we moved in. How do I know it's a he? I don't. It's just a feeling, I guess. Anyway, our friendly ghost has made banging noises. He has turned the lights on and off. He has dimmed the lights. He dimmed them once when my sister was here and totally freaked her out. He sets off Austin's motion detector toys in the middle of the night. He has done this on numerous occasions. My dogs love to bark and stare at him. Also, when I take pictures inside my house, I'm ALWAYS catching orbs. He has never scared either Austin or me. He's a friendly ghost. The picture up above is a picture I snapped of my nephew while I was sitting there talking to him. You can see the orb smack dab in the middle of his forehead. It even has a little bit of a tail, so that it looks like I caught it in motion. A few seconds after I snapped the photo, my dog started staring at the corner behind where my nephew was sitting and then barked at it. I love having a resident ghost. I feel protected.

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